Lake Simcoe Ice Report

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

What a Beautiful Day!

What a beautiful day on Lake Simcoe! The Lake was very different from last week-end where I was fighting cold temperatures, a significant wind chill and deep snow. Today was sunny, only -7 degrees Celsius, and there was no wind to speak of. This probably explains why there was a surplus of people out and about on the ice today. Most of them were either ice fishing in huts or on lawn chairs. I skied off the 9th Line and went towards Fox Island before turning south towards Cook's Bay. The snow was quite pleasant to ski on. This past week the temperatures have hovered just below freezing causing some softer conditions. The colder weather last night firmed the snow up and made for faster skiing. Lots to see today. Snowmobiles, ice huts, a race tracks for RC Cars and even a plane scoping out a place to land!
Distance= 5km Total Time= 50 mins


  1. What a refreshingly different post to read. Like you, I am an elementary teacher who loves to cross-country ski along with my husband, teenage sons and dogs. We live in rural Huron County and are lucky enough to have access to variable terrain trails that we can ski to from home. Sometimes we're going through 1 ft of snow (last weekend); other times it's a breeze if the snowmobiles have been through. Many of these outings make it as my “picture of the day” 365/11 project. Here's a few pics I've taken this month of our ventures out:
    Unlike you, I've never written about it, other than the text posted with my images. Great idea! As I write this comment, the thick snowflakes are rapidly coming down with a temp of -12C. A most perfect ski day!

  2. Your pictures are great! Thanks for the comment!

    Patrick Johnson
